What we want children
to learn ( Öğrencinin edinmesini
istediğimiz kazanımları )
How best
Will children learn
( Nasıl ve hangi yöntemle
öğrenecekler )
How will we know
What children have
( Neyi- ne kadar öğrendiklerini nasıl tesbit ederiz)
Notes for teachers
( Öğretmen notları )
Lesson No.
( Ders no)
Specific expectations
(Genel Beklentiler)
Sample questions
(örnk sorular)
Student Activities
(öğrenci aktiviteleri)
Lesson No.
( Ders no)
Lesson 1
Monday Quiz
My School
( Geçen hafta işlenen konularla
ilgili quizimizin yapılarak evlere hatalarını görmeleri için gönderilmesi)
By the end of the lesson students
are expected to demonstrate that
they can read the story on their
own with correct pronunciation.
By the end of the lesson students
are expected to demonstrate that
they understand by answering
questions when they are asked.
This lesson will focus upon the PYP learner profile ‘reflective’.
Students will be required to think about their own abilities to assess their
own strengths and limitations as language learners.
This lesson will focus upon the PYP learner profile ‘thinker’.
Students will be required to use and apply what they have learned in the
Ø Are the students happy or sad?
Ø In what class are the students in?
Ø Do you think music class is fun?
Ø Where is the playground?
Ø Why is it important to read?
Students will be given 20 min to
do the quiz.
Students will be asked to read the
story on their own while teachers monitor and ask individual students to read
portions of the text out loud.
Students are assessed as to whether
they can read the story fluently and with correct pronunciation.
Students are individually assessed
as to whether they can answer questions about the story and to what degree.
~ Week 3 Quiz
~ Spotlight 2
p. 9-17
Lesson 2
Okulda öğretilen ders isimlerinin İngilizcelerinin öğretilmesi)
By the end of the lesson students
are expected to know school locations and subjects.
By the end of the lesson students
are expected to identify school locations and subjects.
By the end of the lesson students
are expected to read and recognize school locations and subject.
This lesson will focus upon the PYP learner profile
‘inquirer’. Students will be required to inquire about new vocabulary, asking
their peers and teachers when they do not understand something.
This lesson will focus upon the PYP learner profile ‘thinker’.
Students will be required to use and apply what they have learned in the
Ø Where do we eat lunch?öğle
yemeğini nerede yeriz?)
Ø Who is the librarian?
Ø In which class do I learn to add
and subtract?
Ø Do you like to study maps?( Harita
üzerinde çalışmayı seviyormusun?)
Ø In which class can I play
football? Where can I play?
Students will be shown a Power
Point Presentation of school subjects/ locations.
Students will then identify the
subjects by writing the vocabulary words next to the pictures on the handout
to them remember.
Students will practice the
vocabulary they have learned in an activity called ‘Speed’ (Post-it). A
description of a subject or location will be given and the student must run
to the board and choose the correct word that corresponds with the
description given.
Students are assessed as to whether
they can, not only identity school subjects and locations, but also recognize
the vocabulary correctly.
~PowerPoint Presentation
~Activity Sheets
Lesson 3
İlk ünitemizde yer alan hikayenin okunarak Fiilleri öğrenmelerine yönelik
aktivitelerin yapılması)
By the end of the lesson students
are expected to demonstrate that they remember school locations, subjects and
classroom objects.
By the end of the lesson students
are expected to be able to act out different actions and use the vocabulary
This lesson will focus upon the PYP learner profile
‘inquirer’. Students will be required to inquire about new vocabulary, asking
their peers and teachers when they do not understand something.
This lesson will focus upon the PYP learner profile ‘thinker’.
Students will be required to use and apply what they have learned in the
Ø What is he doing?
Ø What part of the story is this?
Ø Where do you think she is running?
Ø What do you think they are
Ø Do you like doing math?
Review the story and talk about
what the children are doing in the story and where. Ask the students whether
they enjoy doing these things or not and why.
Students will be divided into
groups and then be given a page from the story that they must act out to the
class. Other students must guess what page they are acting out.
Students will play Charades to
practice different action verbs by miming.
Students are assessed as to whether
they understand different actions verbs by their ability to mime them and use
them correctly. (They can only use their bodies to make gestures and actions,
no talking and no props can be used.)
~ Spotlight 2
p. 9-17
~Miming Cards
Lesson 4
İlk ünitemiz sayfa 18-19 daki çalışmaların tamamlanması)
By the end of the lesson students
are expected to be able to complete the activities on p. 18-19 from the
By the end of the lesson students
are expected to be able to retell the story in their own words.
By the end of the lesson students
are expected to be able to share what they like most about school and why
and, what their favorite/least favorite subject is.
This lesson will focus upon the PYP learner profile ‘communicators’.
Students will be required to express ideas and information confidently and
This lesson will focus upon the PYP learner profile ‘thinker’.
Students will be required to use and apply what they have learned in the
Ø Please tell me what Naseem is
doing? (Naseem ne yapıyor?)
Ø What does he like to do at school?
(Naseem okulda en çok ne yapmayı seviyor?)
Ø What do you like to do at school?
Why?( Sen okulda en çok ne yapmayı seviyorsun? Niçin?
Ø What is your favorite/ least
favorite school subject?( Okulda en az hangi dersi seviyorsun?)
Ø What is your favorite part in the
story? Why?( Hikayenin en çok beğendiğin kısmı neresi? Niçin?)
Show pictures in the story and
have students explain them in their own words, first as a class and then
Do p. 18-19, in pairs,
individually or as a group depending on the level of the students.
Have students draw pictures
showing what they like most at school. They should write a sentence
describing their picture.
Students are assessed as to whether
they can answer verbally and in written form, the questions in the textbook.
Students are assessed as to how
well they will be able to explain why they like a specific activity or
subject at school.
~ Spotlight 2
p. 18-19
Lesson 5
Yapılacak sınavlarımıza hazırlık kapsamında Starters 6 kitabımızın ilk
listening çalışmasının yapılması )
By the end of the lesson students
are expected to be able to complete the listening practice test.
By the end of the lesson students
are expected to be able to act out different actions in different manners
using adverbs of manner.
This lesson will focus upon the PYP learner profile ‘thinker’.
Students will be required to use and apply what they have learned in the
This lesson will focus upon the PYP learner profile ‘communicators’.
Students will be required to express ideas and information confidently and
Ø Circle the correct picture.( Doğru
resmi seçiniz)
Ø Color the pencil blue. ( Kalemi
maviye boyayınız)
Ø Walk slowly.( yavaşça yürü)
Ø Run quickly. ( çok çabuk koş
Students will be given the
Starters Listening Practice test which we will then correct and review
Different adverbs of manner will
be written on the board (quickly, slowly, happily, sadly…) and then students
must do the actions in these ways.
Students are assessed as to whether
they understand different actions verbs by their ability to mime them while
using different adverbs of manner.
~ Starters Practice Tests Volume 6
Lesson 6
Starters sınavımıza hazırlık kapsamında birebir Konuşma
speaking ) çalışmasının yapılarak kendilerini ifade etme düzeylerinin
By the end of the lesson students
are expected to be able to answer simple questions about what has been taught
recently in a one-on-one interview.
By the end of the lesson students
are expected to be able to complete worksheets related to the Unit My School,
Classroom rules and useful vocabulary.
This lesson will focus upon the PYP learner profile ‘communicators’.
Students will be required to express ideas and information confidently and
This lesson will focus upon the PYP learner profile ‘thinker’.
Students will be required to use and apply what they have learned in the
Ø What grade are you in?( kaçıncı
Ø Who is you main class teacher?(sınıf
öğretmenin kim?)
Ø Tell me some classroom rules.(
Bana birkaç sınıf kuralı söylermisin?)
Ø What school subject do you like?(
en çok hangi dersi seviyorsun?)
Students will be interviewed
one-on-one outside of the classroom by the native English teacher for 3-7 min
depending on their ability. Questions will be regarding what we have recently
studied in class.
Students will be given worksheets
to review what has been taught, specifically classroom/ school vocabulary and
classroom rules/ useful language in the classroom.
Students are assessed as to whether
they understand in order to assess what they have learned as well as to
ascertain their communicative ability.
Students are assessed as to whether
they were able to complete the worksheets correctly and on their own.
~ Interview Questions
~ Worksheets
Lesson 7
Online kitap okuma sistemlerinin nasıl kullanılacağıyla ilgili bilgi
verilmesi,örnekleme yapılması)
By the end of the lesson students
are expected to be able to understand how to use Raz-Kids online for
independent reading and learning.
By the end of the lesson students
are expected to be able to read a Raz-Kids graded reader related to school
and complete worksheets related to the story.
This lesson will focus upon the PYP learner profile ‘thinker’.
Students will be required to use and apply what they have learned in the
This lesson will focus upon the PYP learner profile
‘inquirer’. Students will be required to inquire about new vocabulary, asking
their peers and teachers when they do not understand something.
Ø Show me how you choose a book.
Ø How do you log in/ send
information to your teacher?
Ø What day comes after Monday?
Ø What do the children do when they
get ready for school?
Students will be shown how to use
the Raz-Kids online reading platform and will then have to demonstrate how to
use it. (Choosing books, logging in, password, sending info to teacher, doing
Students will read the Raz-Kids
story ‘Getting Ready for School’ as a class and then will do worksheets
related to the story.
Students are assessed as to whether
they understand how to use the website. They will also be monitored
throughout the year as to whether or not they are reading independently
through the software.
Students are assessed as to
whether they were able to understand the story in order to complete the
worksheets correctly.
~ Story books
~ Activity sheets
~ Internet access
Lesson 8
Brief Intro to
Pop Jr.
Tumble Books
‘How Do You Go to School?’
not be done due to holiday)
online sitelerimizden video izleme ve kitap okuma çalışmasının yapılması)
By the end of the lesson students
are expected to be able to understand how to use Brain Pop Jr. and Tumble
Books online for independent reading and learning.
By the end of the lesson students
are expected to be able to listen to a song and complete a gap fill worksheet
while listening to the song.
This lesson will focus upon the PYP learner profile ‘thinker’.
Students will be required to use and apply what they have learned in the
Ø Show me how you choose a book.(
Kitap seçiminin nasıl yapılacağını bana göster)
Ø What different types of activities
can you choose? ( Ne tür aktiviteler seçebilirsiniz?)
Ø Where was Franklin going?(
Franklin nereye gidiyor?)
Ø How did Franklin feel about going
to school?( Franklin okula gitmekle ilgili nasıl hissediyor?)
Ø How do you fell about school?( siz
okulda olduğunuz için nasıl hissediyorsunuz?)
Students will be shown how to use Brain
Pop Jr. and Tumble Books, after they will have to demonstrate how to use
them. (Choosing books/ learning activities, logging in, password, sending
info to teacher, doing worksheets…)
Students will be shown the Tumble
Books story ‘Franklin Goes to School’.
Students will listen to the song
‘How Do You Go to School?’ a couple of times and will then have to complete a
gap fill activity with the words that are missing from the song. Students
will then sing the song.
Students are assessed as to whether
they understand how to use the websites.
Students are assessed as to
whether they were able to understand the story by answering some simple
comprehension questions about what they watched.
Students listening is assessed by
whether they were able to complete fill ın the gap fill with the missing
words from the song.
~ Song worksheet
~ Downloaded song on USB
~ Internet access
Lesson 9
of Inquiry (Sorgulama Ünitesi )
Researching and seeking
information - Making connections between previous learning and current
learning – Exploring, wondering and questioning
( Araştırma yaparak bilgiye ulaşma-Önceki öğrenilenlerle yeni
öğrenilenler arasında bağlantı kurma –Keşfetme-Merak etme-Sorgulama)
Students will show the classroom
vocabulary they have learned by drawing a picture of their classroom and
labeling the objects they have studied. ( Öğrenciler sınıfta öğrendikleri ilk
ünitemizle alakalı kelimeleri çizdikleri sınıf resminde göstererek ve yine bu
kelimeleri resim üzerinde yazarak Çarşamba günü ödevlerini tamamlamış
Practice Book p. 9B -10 and Blackline Master 1.1. ( Haftasonu ödevi olarak
kendilerine verilen tek sayfalık Blackline
Master 1.1 çalışmasında okulda yapmayı sevdikleri şeyleri ve dersleri
kitapçık haline getirerek yazacaklar ve resmini çizeceklerdir.Yine çalışma
kitabı sayfa 9-10 tamamlayacaklardır.)
( Öğretilen kelimeler )
(okul), teacher ( öğretmen ), art(resim-sanat), crayon(boyalar ),
book(kitap), pencil(kalem), field trip(gezi), grade (sınıf-şube),
class(sınıf), table(masa), math(matematik), instruments(enstrumanlar),
park(park), playground(oyun alanı), music(müzik), plant(bitki), store, lunch(öğle
yemeği), , home(ev), Picture(resim), watercolors(suluboya), school bus(okul
otobüsü), scissors(makas), ruler(cetvel), calculator(hesap makinesi), pen(tükenmez
kalem), history(tarih), geography(coğrafya), science(fen), physical education
(gym)(beden eğitimi), information technology (computer)(bilgi teknolojileri),
library(kütüphane), cafeteria(kafeterya), hallway(koridor),
washrooms(lavabolar), travel(seyahat etme)(, sing(şarkı söylemek), eat(yemek
yemek), draw(resim çizmek), paint(boyamak), write (yazmak), read ( okumak)...
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