What we want
childrento learn
( Öğrencinin
edinmesini istediğimiz kazanımları )
How best
Will children learn
( Nasıl ve hangi
yöntemle öğrenecekler )
How will we know
What children have
( Neyi- ne kadar öğrendiklerini nasıl tesbit ederiz)
Notes for teachers
( Öğretmen notları )
Lesson No.
( Ders
Specific expectations
Sample questions
Student Activities
Lesson No.
( Ders
Lesson 1
My School
Unit 1
“Fun at School”
( Geçen hafta
işlenen konularla ilgili quizimizin yapılarak evlere hatalarını görmeleri
için gönderilmesi)
( haftasonu verilen ödevlerin kontrol edilmesi)
By the end of the lesson students
are expected to demonstrate that
they have understood and are able
to recall the material that has been presented to them in the last week.
This lesson will focus upon the PYP learner profile ‘reflective’.
Students will be required to think about their own abilities to assess their
own strengths and limitations as language learners.
This lesson will focus upon the PYP learner profile ‘thinker’.
Students will be required to use and apply what they have learned in the
This lesson will focus upon the PYP learner profile ‘communicators’.
Students will be required to express ideas and information confidently and
Ø What are they doing?
Ø What grade are you in?
Ø Write the correct personal pronoun
or possessive adjective.
Students’ homework will be
collected to be checked.
Students will be given 20 min. to
do a quiz.
Review activity time permitting.
Students are individually assessed
as to whether they can answer questions about the material they have been
Students are assessed as to
whether they were able to do the homework and complete it correctly.
~ Week 5 Quiz
Lesson 2
My School
Unit 1
“Fun at School”
( Öğrencilere dağıtılan çalışma kağıtları
yardımıyla kişisel soruları anlama,cevaplandırma,fiileri öğrenmelerini
sağlamalarını sağlamaya yönelik çalışma yapma)
By the end of the lesson students
are expected to be able to complete a ‘Find Someone Who’ worksheet by
mingling with their classmates and then report their findings.
This lesson will focus upon the PYP learner profile ‘thinker’.
Students will be required to use and apply what they have learned in the
This lesson will focus upon the PYP learner profile ‘communicators’.
Students will be required to express ideas and information confidently and
This lesson will focus upon the PYP learner profile
‘inquirer’. Students will be required to inquire about new vocabulary, asking
their peers and teachers when they do not understand something.
Ø Do you take a bus to school?( okula servisle
mi geliyorsun ?)
Ø Do you have a pencil sharpener?( Kalemtraşın var mı?)
Ø Does he like math?
Ø ( Arkadaşını göstererek O,matematik
dersini sever mi?)
will be given a “Find Someone Who” handout that they must complete by asking
their classmates questions in which they must respond “yes” in order to be
able to write their name.
Students will present their
findings with the class.( Öğrenciler arkadaşlarına sorular sorarak cevapları not
alacak ve cevapları şahıs zamirlerini kullanarak sınıfla paylaşacaklardır)
Students will be assessed as to
whether they are capable of asking their classmates questions to complete a
‘Find Someone Who’ activity. They must then be able to present their findings
with the class.
~ Spotlight 2
p. 20-21
Lesson 3/
Lesson 4
My School
‘a’ and ‘an’
(a-e-i-u-o ) ile
başlayan kelimelerin ‘’a’’ alması bunun dışındakilerin ‘’an’’ alması ile
ilgili pekiştirici çalışmaların yapılması)
By the end of the lesson students
are expected to be able to recognize and differentiate when to use the
articles ‘a’ and ‘an’ correctly. ( Ders sonunda öğrencilerimizin a’ ve ‘an’ i doğru olarak
kullanmalarını hedefliyoruz.)
This lesson will focus upon the PYP learner profile ‘thinker’.
Students will be required to use and apply what they have learned in the
This lesson will focus upon the PYP learner profile
‘inquirer’. Students will be required to inquire about new vocabulary, asking
their peers and teachers when they do not understand something.
This lesson will focus upon the PYP learner profile ‘communicators’.
Students will be required to express ideas and information confidently and
Ø What letters are vowels?
Ø Do we use ‘a’ or ‘an’ before a
Ø Do we use ‘a’ and ‘an’ for one or
many things?
Ø Do we say ‘I need a pencil or an
Students will be given the rules
for when to use ‘a’ and ‘an’ and then
will put they knowledge into practice by reviewing classroom objects
and action verbs. For example: I use a
crayon to draw. ( Örneğin;Boya kalemlerini resim çizmek için kullanırım)
Pictures of objects will be
displayed around the class and students will go around the class writing in
their notebook, which article the object needs
.( Sınıfta kullanılan eşyaların ne işe
yaradığını hazırladıkları mini kitaplara yazarak ve resmederek ifade ederler)
Student will write a little book
and draw pictures using articles, objects and actions.
Students are assessed as to whether
they understand the difference the articles ‘a’ and ‘an’ and can use them
correctly. This is evaluated in practice activities and a personal writing.
~Spotlight 2
p. 22-23
Lesson 5/
Lesson 6
Brief Intro to
Pop Jr.
Tumble Books
( Tumble book ve
brainpop jr.dan bir kitap ve bir video nun izlenmesi)
‘How Do You Go to School?’
( ünitemizle alakalı bir
şarkının dinlenerek öğrenilen kelimelere karşı farkındalıklarının
( Birebir soru-cevap
yöntemiyle Starters konuşma sınavlarımıza hazırlık)
By the end of the lesson students
are expected to be able to understand how to use Brain Pop Jr. and Tumble
Books online for independent reading and learning.
By the end of the lesson students
are expected to be able to listen to a song and complete a gap fill worksheet
while listening to the song.
By the end of the lesson students
are expected to be able to answer simple questions about what has been taught
recently in a one-on-one interview.
This lesson will focus upon the PYP learner profile ‘thinker’.
Students will be required to use and apply what they have learned in the
This lesson will focus upon the PYP learner profile ‘communicators’.
Students will be required to express ideas and information confidently and
This lesson will focus upon the PYP learner profile
‘inquirer’. Students will be required to inquire about new vocabulary, asking
their peers and teachers when they do not understand something.
Ø Show me how you choose a book.
Ø What different types of activities
can you choose?
Ø Where was Franklin going?
Ø How did Franklin fell about going
to school?
Ø What are they doing?
Ø What is this?
Ø Tell me about the picture.
Students will be shown how to use
Brain Pop Jr. and Tumble Books, after they will have to demonstrate how to
use them. (Choosing books/ learning activities, logging in, password, sending
info to teacher, doing worksheets…)
Students will be shown the Tumble
Books story ‘Franklin Goes to School’.
Students will listen to the song
‘How Do You Go to School?’ a couple of times and will then have to complete a
gap fill activity with the words that are missing from the song. Students
will then sing the song.
Students will be interviewed
one-on-one outside of the classroom by the native English teacher for 3-7 min
depending on their ability. Questions will be regarding what we have recently
studied in class.
Students are assessed as to whether
they understand in order to assess what they have learned as well as to
ascertain their communicative ability.
Students are assessed as to whether
they understand how to use the websites.
Students are assessed as to
whether they were able to understand the story by answering some simple
comprehension questions about what they watched.
Students’ listening is assessed by
whether they were able to complete fill ın the gap fill with the missing
words from the song.
~ Song worksheet
~ Downloaded song on USB
~ Internet access
~ Starters 6 Speaking Test 1
Lesson 7
Review of numbers (ordinal and
cardinal, time telling, classroom subjects and days of the week
(Sıra sayıların,1,2,3 ; derece bildiren sayılar;
birinci,ikinci,üçüncü ) ingilizce olarak doğru yazmalarının öğretilmesi,sınıf
eşyalarının ve haftanın günlerinin öğretilmesi)
By the end of the lesson students
are expected to be able to talk about their weekly schedule at school.
By the end of the lesson students
are expected to be able to remember numbers 1-20, days of the week and
ordinal numbers first-tenth.
By the end of the lesson students
are expected to be able to answer simple questions about their weekly
This lesson will focus upon the PYP learner profile ‘thinker’.
Students will be required to use and apply what they have learned in the
This lesson will focus upon the PYP learner profile ‘communicators’.
Students will be required to express ideas and information confidently and
This lesson will focus upon the PYP learner profile
‘inquirer’. Students will be required to inquire about new vocabulary, asking
their peers and teachers when they do not understand something.
Ø What days do you have English
Ø What time to you have math class
on Friday?
Ø Do you have music class on
Ø What time is lunch break at?
Ø What period do you have art class?
Ø What is your favorite day?
Students will be given a weekly
timetable that they must complete with their own information about their
weekly class schedule.
Students will have to answers
questions about their schedules as well as write sentences about their
We will review numbers (ordinal
and cardinal, time telling, classroom subjects and days of the week to help
them to do this.
Students are assessed as to whether
they can remember numbers 1-20, the days of the week, classroom subjects and
ordinal numbers first-tenth.
Students are assessed as to whether
they can talk about their weekly schedule and write sentences about it.
Students are assessed as to
whether they can ask and answer simple questions about their weekly schedule.
~Class Schedule Handout
Lesson 8/
Lesson 9
PYP Roles and Responsibilities
( öğrenilen bu öğrenen profillerini gruplar
halinde sınıfta canlandırarak anlatma,profilleri
yaşatmak için sorumluluklarının farkına varmalarını sağlama )
(Caring/ Sharing/ Respect/
( Öğrenen profillerimizden Duyarlı,Paylaşımcı,
Saygılı,Adaletli kavramlarının İngilizce olarak kısa cümlelerle anlatılması,
By the end of the lesson students
are expected to be able to be able to understand concepts such as caring,
sharing, fairness and respect.
By the end of the lesson students
are expected to be able to provide examples of these concepts in written,
form, through images and role-plays.
This lesson will focus upon the PYP learner profile
‘thinker’. Students will be required to use and apply what they have learned
in the past.
This lesson will focus upon the PYP learner profile
‘communicators’. Students will be required to express ideas and information
confidently and effectively.
This lesson will focus upon the PYP learner profile ‘inquirer’.
Students will be required to inquire about new vocabulary, asking their peers
and teachers when they do not understand something.
Ø What does ‘caring’ mean to you?( Duyarlı
olmak ne anlama gelir?)
Ø Can you give me an example of
apaylaşımcı olmaya bir örnek verebilir misiniz?)
Ø Where can you see this behaviour?
Ø Who is a good example of this
behavior in your life?( Bu davranışa hayatınızdan kimi örnek verebilirsiniz?)
Ø How do you feel when someone
is/isn’t ‘fair’?
Ø ( Biri size adaletli davranmadığında nasıl hissedersiniz?)
Students will be given four words,
caring, sharing, respect, fairness that will will have
to define and explain in different ways.
Students be divided into 4 groups, each group with a
different concept.
They will then have to work together and prepare
different was to explain and interpret the concept they were given.
Students will have to expain in
the best to their ability what this word means. THEy will have to draw a
picture and write a sentence to explain their example. They will also have to
do a role-play to demonstrate an example of this.
Students will be given time to go
to the library to research and find books or pictures that might help them.
Students are assessed as to
whether they can understand the concepts and can give good, creative and
interesting examples of them, in written, oral, dramatized and in picture
Students bill be assessed as for
homework they will have to prepare a presentation for the class on one of
these concepts.
~Book Library time
~Dictionaries (if possible)
of Inquiry (Sorgulama Ünitesi )
Researching and seeking
information - Making connections between previous learning and current
learning – Exploring, wondering and questioning
( Araştırma yaparak bilgiye ulaşma-Önceki
öğrenilenlerle yeni öğrenilenler arasında bağlantı kurma –Keşfetme-Merak
Wednesday Homework: ( Çarşamba Günü
Ödevi)Practice Book p. 9A ( çalışma kitabımız sayfa
9. A bölümünün yapılması) / Blackline Masters 1.3
(Wednesday) ( öğrencilerimize
dağıtılan tek sayfalık çalışma kağıdının yapılması)
Weekend homework : ( Haftasonu ödevi)
Presentation on Caring/ Sharing/
Respect and dictation preparation for Monday Quiz (Friday) ( öğrencilerimizin öğrenen profillerimizden bazıları olan ve
sorgulama ünitemizde değindiğimiz Caring( Duyarlı)/ Sharing ( Paylaşımcı)/
Respect( Saygılı) hakkında resimlerle,bildikleri İngilizce kelimeleri
kullanarak yada araştırarak bir powerpoint sunum hazırlamalarını ,sunumlarını
usb ye kaydederek gelecek hafta arkadaşlarıyla sınıfta paylaşmalarını
Our students need to study a/an ,
pronouns( I ,She,He,They,Her,His..),numbers ( sayılar),months of the year (
Aylar)..writing of the words that we learned before.( Daha önce öğretilen
kelimelerin yazılışlarına ) gelecek hafta pazartesi.yapılacak quiz için
çalışmalarını bekliyoruz.)
( kelimeler)
(actions) travel( seyahat etmek),, sing( şarkı söylemek), , eat( yemek yemek),, draw( resim çizmek),, paint( boyamak),,
yazmak),, read…( okumak)… (pronouns(
zamirler)) his( onun,erkekler için),
her( kızlar için onun), my ( benim), I( ben),
she(o), he(o,erkekler
için), they( onlar), we( biz) ), (classroom objects: sınıfta kullanılan eşyalar), brother (erkek kardeş), pet( evcil
hayvan), grade (sınıf,3-C,3-A),
(ordinal numbers:(Sıra sayılar) first( birinci)-fifth(beşinci)
one to twenty(
birden yirmiye kadar ), caring, sharing(paylaşma), respect( saygı),
fairness (adalet,dürüstlük)
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